


Botox services offered in San Antonio, TX

You don’t have to live with crow’s feet in the corners of your eyes, forehead lines, or smile lines near your nose and mouth, or undergo invasive treatments to get younger-looking skin. At Appiah's Signature MedSpa in San Antonio, Texas, aesthetics specialist Lydia Appiah-Dwamena, MD, and her staff provide Botox® injections to smooth wrinkled skin and take years off your appearance. Schedule an evaluation at Appiah's Signature MedSpa by calling the office or booking online today.

What is Botox?

Botox treatment is an injection containing FDA-approved botulinum toxin. These injections cause facial muscles to relax, minimizing lines and wrinkles associated with smiling, laughing, frowning, and other facial expressions. 

Botox is a safe, simple treatment that makes an excellent lunchtime procedure. It turns back the hands of time and eliminates numerous imperfections.

Which conditions can Botox treat?

Botox at Appiah's Signature MedSpa can treat:

  • Frown lines
  • Crow’s feet
  • Smile lines
  • Laugh lines
  • Lax skin
  • Eyelid twitching

Botox can also eliminate migraines and excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis). 

In addition to Botox, Appiah's Signature MedSpa provides dermal fillers. You might be a candidate for receiving multiple injections during the same treatment. 

Am I a candidate for Botox?

Just about everyone with bothersome lines, wrinkles, or other unwelcome signs of aging benefits from Botox injections. Your Appiah's Signature MedSpa provider examines your skin and reviews your medical history and goals before customizing a treatment plan. 

In addition to Botox and fillers, Appiah's Signature MedSpa also provides microneedling, custom facials, laser treatments, chemical peels, intravenous (IV) therapy, medically supervised weight loss, and many other wellness clinic options. 

What happens during Botox injections?

Before Botox injections, your provider cleans your skin and applies a numbing cream to optimize comfort if necessary. They gently inject safe substances underneath your skin while you rest comfortably. 

The treatment is simple, often taking just a minute or two for each injection. You may receive Botox and dermal filler injections during the same appointment. 

What can I expect afterward?

After Botox treatment, it’s common to experience temporary redness or swelling at the injection sites. Avoid touching the treatment area to reduce the chance of spreading Botox to other areas of your body. 

Your results often appear after several days and last 3-5 months. When Botox wears off, schedule repeat treatments at Appiah's Signature MedSpa to maintain a younger, flawless look over the long term.

Call Appiah's Signature MedSpa any time with questions or if you’re interested in additional anti-aging solutions. Schedule an evaluation by calling the office or booking an appointment online today.